The Privilege of Yoga

Friday, April 26th, 7-9pm
Rhizome Café, 317 East Broadway:

Join us as we talk about: Who gets to practice yoga? What does it mean to be queer practising yoga? To be a person of colour? To be a feminist? To be poor? Is yoga gendered? Are all bodies truly welcome in yoga? What does it mean to practice collectively in corporate spaces? How does modern yoga honour/dishonour the tradition? Come dig deep as we ask these questions and many others, and as we struggle together with how yoga can be a powerful tool for social change.

Our focus is on holding space for lively and relevant conversation. We have a panel of speakers lined up to spark dialogue, each by speaking briefly to a topic they are passionate about. And then we will open it up for you to suggest topics, and create discussion groups around those topics.

The panelists are:
Cynthia Ganatra, talking about Cultural Appropriation – Who Owns Yoga?
Sjanie McInnis, talking about Yoga & Gender & Sexuality – or “The Tyranny of the Goddess Myth”
Farah Nazarali, talking about Yoga and Activism
Julie (JC) Peters, talking about Yoga and Money

Also, Rhizome makes delicious food. Come early for dinner. Stay late to socialize. Support this fantastic space.


Download the Poster here.
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Find us on the Yoga Vancouver Directory.


Co-Sponsored by some friends and allies who are doing great things around this topic:



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